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Nov 4, 2014

How to Create Pantomime Assessment Criteria

9:04 AM

Unit of Inquiry: Signs & Symbols

Project: Pantomime

Learning Outcome  


Students are able to portray and sustain a character role in a given situation.
Students are able to share ideas and to create a simple scene in a small group.

Sample of warm up activities



Have children take turns picking a slip of different character written in the piece of paper and act it out while the rest of them tries to guess what it is. 

Pantomime exercise by elementary students


With a Group

Encourage children to participate in a mirror game for the basic exercises following by creating a short play.



Effective Pantomime Criteria

There is no sound.
The face is expressive.
Movements are performed slower
Actions are clear, unique to the setting, and fluent.
There is concentration and focus.


Personal Space

Student is unaware of his/her own space during the play
Student is aware of his/her own space if reminder by the teacher
Student is aware of his/her own space during the play
Student is extremely aware of his/her own space during the play


Mime Techniques

Actions are unclear
Only few actions are clear and meaningful.
Some actions are clear and meaningful.
All actions are clear and meaningful, confidently presented


Body Language

Facial expressions and body movements are unclear
Facial expressions and body movements are somewhat appropriate
Facial expressions and body movements are appropriate to the context of the scene
Facial expressions and body movements are appropriate to the context of the scene



Very reluctant to express or contribute ideas to his/her group
Sometimes listens to others but has difficulty in expressing ideas to his/her group
Often listens to others and expresses ideas to his/her group
Consistently listens to others and expresses ideas to his/her group


Score Criteria

·         Needs Improvement
·         Satisfactory
·         Good
·         Excellent

Student Self- Assessment
  • Please write down two important things that you have learned from this activity.
  • How to improve my pantomime skills?

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