Feb 17, 2012

Drama Script- ANNIE The Little Orphan

1:20 PM

ANNIE Script
Scene 1 
The New York City Municipal Orphanage (Girls' Annex)

Molly            : Mama! Mommy!
Pepper         : Shut her up so I can sleep.
July              : Molly, wake up and shut up.
Kate             : Leave Molly alone.
July              : You wanna make something out of it?
Pepper         : Come on, July, beat her up.
July              : Get her, Pepper!
Annie           :(Shouting) Stop it!
(Shouting Continues)
Lay of July! If Hannigan wakes up, she’ll get sore.
(Facing Molly)
It’s okay Molly. You were just having another nightmare.
Molly            :I want my mommy and daddy.
Pepper         : Uh, molly, we ain’t got mommies and daddies. And we ain’t ever gonna have them. That’s why we are called orphans
Annie           :I’m not an orphan. My parents are alive, and they are coming to get me someday .
Molly            : Yeah and Annie’s got a note that proves it.
Will you read it to me, Annie? Please…
Annie           :(Reading a paper) “Please take good care of our little darling. Her name is Annie. She was born….”
July              : Was born on October 28.
Orphans       : We will be back to get her soon. We have left half of a silver locket around her neck and keep the other half, so that when we come back for her, you will know that she’s our baby! (laughing)
Annie           : (Facing Pepper) Do you wanna sleep with your teeth inside your mouth or out?(yelling) Now get to sleep! I know these don’t mean anything to you, but they’re everything to me. They’re proof I got parents.
Tessie           : Do you really think they are out there Annie?
Annie           : Yap. And I’m gonna meet them someday.

Annie Script performed by kids at one of the international school

A song “Maybe” by Annie

Pepper         : Now what? 
Annie           : If my folks haven’t found me, I’m gonna find them.
Pepper         : Again?
Annie           : Pepper, watch out for Molly!
Kate             : But what if Miss Hanigan catches you?
Annie           : She won’t.
Ms.Hannigan : Boo. Trying to make a break…again.
(Annie showing her back) What the heck are you doing?
Annie           : Are you gonna beat tar out of me?
Ms.Hannigan : Have I ever hit any of you?
Annie           : No. But you’ve threatened. That’s worse.
Ms.Hannigan : I know (laughing).
 Kid, if you think it’s bad in here, it’s lousy out there.   
 I’m doing you’re a favor by not letting you go.
Annie           : (whispering)
Ms.Hannigan : What do you say?
Annie           : I love you, Miss Hannigan.
Ms.Hannigan : I can’t hear you!
Annie           : I love you, Miss Hannigan.
Ms.Hannigan : Rotten orphan.
Annie           : I’m not an orphan! My parents left me with a note saying they’d come back for me.
Ms.Hannigan : (Laughing) That was 1922. This is 1933. You’re an orphan.
(Blowing Whistle) Rise and shine! Rise and shine!
(Girls Moaning)
Tessie          : But it’s in the middle of the night.
Ms.Hannigan : Don’t you think I know that? Annie here tried to run away…again. So as a little welcome home party, you’re all gonna clean this dump till it shines like the top of the Chrysler Building. What do you say?
Together      : We love you, Miss Hannigan.
Ms.Hannigan : And I love you. Now, scrub these floors. Strip them beds for the laundry man. Get to work! (shouting) Now!

A SONG “It’ The Hard-Knock Life” by: Annie & Orphans

(Blowing Whistle)
Ms.Hannigan          : Good Morning, children.
Together                : Good Morning Miss Hannigan
Molly                     : (Hiding) Good Morning Miss Hannigan
Ms.Hannigan          : What the heck? What are you doing in there?
Molly                     : Nothing.
Ms.Hannigan          : Get out of there.
Mr Bundles             : Morning, Kids!
Together                : Morning, Mr.Bundles!
Mr.Bundles             : Morning, Miss Aggie! Okay kids, clean sheets once a month, whether you need them or not.
Together                : Thank you, Mr. Bundles!
Ms.Hannigan          : (Blows Whistle)
Mr Bundles             : Oh, Miss Aggie, I live for laundry day here at your fine establishment. Oh, Miss Aggie, won’t you let me even take you out for an ice cream “sodee”?
Ms.Hannigan          : No.
Mr Bundles             : How come?
Ms.Hannigan          : Cause I’m saving my self for Oliver Warbucks. Now get the lousy laundry. Get the heck outta here.
Mr Bundles             : Oh, very well. And Happy New Year to all!
Together                : Bye Mr. Bundles!
Duffy                      : Miss Hannigan, may we please have our breakfast now?
Ms.Hannigan          : No. You may have it later.
[Girls Groaning]
Ms.Hannigan          :There’s a rush order of dresses you gotta finish. You’ll eat after you’re done at your sewing machines. That is, if you done a good job. [Blows Whistle] Roll call!
Pepper                   : I love you, Miss Hannigan.
July                       : I love you, Miss Hannigan.
Kate                      : I love you, Miss Hannigan.
Duffy                     : I love you, Miss Hannigan.
Tessie                    : I love you, Miss Hannigan.
Molly                     : I love you, Miss Hannigan.
Ms.Hannigan           : Annie! Get your little orphan self out here!
July                       : Oh Miss Hannigan, Annie ain’t here.
Ms.Hannigan           : Really? Where is she?
Kate                      : Mr. Bundles rolled her out with the dirty laundry.
Ms.Hannigan          : What? I could lose my license. Bundles, come back here!
Together                : (Laughing)
Ms.Hannigan                    : Come back, Bundles. Come back!
Molly                     : Yea! Annie made it!

A SONG “It’ The Hard-Knock Life”(reprise) By Orphans

ANNIE musical play  "Love more precious than money"

You may also like to read:
Directing Annie The Musical. Why not?
annie cast                

Annie Script posted here just used by educational practitioner, for student consolidation at school, consolidating private student at home or college consolidation on stage performance only. In another hand generally used for the learning purpose and education only. 

33 komentar:

Unknown said...

How did you get the script? I am trying to do this musical for my students and I haven't been able to find a reasonably priced script. HELP!!!! Kathy Frank

Unknown said...

where i can find the other senes

danhidd said...

hi Louise,
are you going to do this musical also?

Undecided... said...

Hello I would like to preform this with my students. Would you like to share your script with me? Thank you!

Unknown said...

Hello I am looking to do this with developmentally disabled adults would you share script with me at stcyrglsk@gmail.com

Unknown said...

Yas thanks!!! (h) :) (c)

danhid said...

You're welcome, Imogen Sammels.

No Rice for Me said...

I would like to do this play with my Japanese high school students. Is there a full script? And may I use it? Also, how long is the run time?

Unknown said...

Hi, do you know where I might find the rest of this script. It is excellent well
Done. Doing it as a school play in June

Unknown said...

Hi just wondering where I may find the rest of this script. It is excellent well done. I am doing it as a school play in June.

The Girl Who Hasn't "Done It" said...

I'm looking to work on this script with my Hebrew School kids. Is it possible for you to send me the rest?

dramaforschools said...

Just wondering if anyone has found the full script?
I am looking to do Annie the music with my primary students in July.
Please let me know if you have come across it
Thank you

dramaforschools said...

Just wondering if anyone base found the full script?
I am hoping to do te musical with my primary student in July. Please let me know if you have come across it
Thank you

Unknown said...

Hi there, I am doing the Annie musical with Year 5/6 girls and would love if you could send me the script if you had it by any chance? My email is oreillyciara13@gmail.com
I would be so grateful because the script looks great :)

Unknown said...

Hi there, I am doing the Annie musical with Year 5/6 girls and would love if you could send me the script if you had it by any chance? My email is oreillyciara13@gmail.com
I would be so grateful because the script looks great :)

Unknown said...

Hi there, I am doing the Annie musical with Year 5/6 girls and would love if you could send me the script if you had it by any chance? My email is oreillyciara13@gmail.com
I would be so grateful because the script looks great :)

k898989r said...

Hello where would I be able to find this full script. It is just what I am looking for. Thanks :)

Unknown said...

Hello, I am wanting to do this script with my kids and would like to know if you would share this sript with me.

Unknown said...

Would you please share this script with me? I would like to perform it with my middle school students.

Unknown said...

Hi there, I would love to do Annie the musical for our school play and I think this script is amazing! I would love it if you could send me the script if you have a spare minute. My email is: laurynsemailis@gmail.com I would be so happy and thankful if you would let us use the script. Thank you, Lauryn

Unknown said...

Hi there, I would love to use this script for our school production because I think it's amazing! If you have a spare minute please could you send it to: laurynsemailis@gmail.com . Thank you ever so much, Lauryn.

Unknown said...

Hi! Can I have a copy of your script for Annie? We would like to do an Annie Musical in our school. It would be great if I can use your script. It will be a great help. You can sent it to rrenalyndelima27@gmail.com Thank you very much.

Unknown said...

Hi Danhid!We hoping to do te musical with my students in July 2017.We will be happy if you help us with materials.(lipabg.office@gmail.com)
Thank you !

Thank you !Regards from Bulgaria

Unknown said...

Hello could I get a full copy of the script? It's great! Thank you. gherron753@c2kni.net

Unknown said...

I would love a copy of this script for our childrens drama club my email is kelly.smith@cambridge.gov.uk. alternatively please could you tell me where i can purchase one. Thank You

Unknown said...

hello can i have the copy of this script, i would really appreciate it because it's for our school play. Please email me at dannalouissemontil@gmail.com.

Unknown said...

hey i want to try-out for a play what part of the play should i do.

Unknown said...

Good Afternoon, I am planning to produce Annie, the musical at my school. I want to use grades 3 through 5. Do you have a short version that runs about an hour? I would like to purchase it as soon as possible. Thank you, Angela

Unknown said...

Hi, can I please get a copy of your Annie script? We would like to do the Annie play for our school. It would be awesome to use your script. You can send it to mdacheff16@gmail.com Thank you so much!

A girl with a story said...

Hi, I am doing a summer camp for some of my neighborhood children and i thought that Annie would be the perfect play! This is the best script i could find and i was woundering if you could send it to me to use it. If you have a minute could you send it to julianna.millett@yahoo.com. Thanks so much!!

Unknown said...

Hi whete coukd I get a copy of this script

Unknown said...

Could I have a copy of script please aoifeoreilly37@gmail.com

Unknown said...

Can I have a copy of the script? Email is kyleellice.pizza@gmail.com! THANK YOUUUU

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